Is Living Sustainably Important?

It may seem like our individual choices don’t have much impact on climate change. Consider that simple changes could reduce a household’s carbon footprint by 24,000 pounds of CO2 per year. Now multiply that by a groundswell of participation, and we have a movement that could literally save the planet.

The 360° Green Living Story

Making a difference at home and in the community

We reach a point where we need to stop talking about doing something, and actually jump in. 360 Green Living is a space for people to gather, discover and take actions. Explore reducing your own carbon footprint or working collectively on clean energy solutions. Learn to sustain our communities through regenerative agriculture, clean water and green jobs. Climate change is our reality, and how we decide to care for our planet is our legacy.<>

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In the News

Are You Eating Too Much Meat?

According to a report by Greenpeace, meat – or more specifically, ‘industrial meat’ – is bad for the planet. But is there a way to cut down on meat consumption and still be

How to Eliminate Single Use Plastics

Americans purchase about 50 billion water bottles per year but only about 23% of those get recycled. Here's an idea: Research gathering from our local Costco store indicates there are 73,872 plastic water

Can Grass Solve Our Wastewater Problems?

Nature-based pilot projects are growing on the island of Maui to address one of the island's dirtiest problems. A special type of deep-rooted grass, a filtration system similar to a Brita water filter and