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About Us

A Space to Learn, Live and Take Environmental Action

Climate change is not some far-off, future problem we will have to face in a few decades. The reality is, it’s happening right now, and is threatening our way of life and how we interact with the world. While urgent, it is not all doom and gloom. The “360” in our name means we try to look at issues and opportunities from all sides. Does a solution make financial sense? What would it take to be implemented? Are there alternatives? Is there equity- who will be affected by this?

For example, we know that the built environment- homes, commercial buildings, government facilities and other structures, along with transportation, are two of the leading contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. If the government demanded that all homes must convert to solar energy by a specific date, that may be a challenge for many homeowners, and cause angry pushback. However, it is very cost effective to incorporate energy efficiency and solar readiness into new construction at every price level. So why don’t we start there?

The majority of our population now acknowledges our human impact on climate change, but may still be reluctant to take steps to change their transportation choices. Maybe you don’t want to buy an electric vehicle because of lack of a charging network in your area, or think an EV is too expensive. Speak up and demand a stable charging grid! There are EV groups, or advocacy groups like ours, that help gather community data and emphasize demand. Note that EV range has increased a lot in past few years, and there are federal and often state financial incentive to purchasing one.

There are also other forms of transportation that save energy. Some towns are making public transportation cool again, with projects like a free, hybrid trolley that runs between the small towns of Independence and Monmouth Oregon.

These are just a couple of examples, and we will explore much more in this website. Don’t wait to see the destruction climate change could create — do your part now to take action. Collectively, we can make a difference!

This website is provided as a community service and gathering place for environmental and climate change topics. Check back often as our volunteers work to grow the site, its resources and value.

In the News

Living Off-Grid: A Primer

More people are exploring off-grid living than ever before, but what does that really mean? Technically, “off-grid” refers to energy systems untied to the electrical grid. However, the


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About Us

A Space to Learn, Live and Take Environmental Action

Climate change is not some far-off, future problem we will have to face in a few decades. The reality is, it’s happening right now, and is threatening our way of life and how we interact with the world. While urgent, it is not all doom and gloom. The “360” in our name means we try to look at issues and opportunities from all sides. Does a solution make financial sense? What would it take to be implemented? Are there alternatives? Is there equity- who will be affected by this?

For example, we know that the built environment- homes, commercial buildings, government facilities and other structures, along with transportation, are two of the leading contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. If the government demanded that all homes must convert to solar energy by a specific date, that may be a challenge for many homeowners, and cause angry pushback. However, it is very cost effective to incorporate energy efficiency and solar readiness into new construction at every price level. So why don’t we start there?

The majority of our population now acknowledges our human impact on climate change, but may still be reluctant to take steps to change their transportation choices. Maybe you don’t want to buy an electric vehicle because of lack of a charging network in your area, or think an EV is too expensive. Speak up and demand a stable charging grid! There are EV groups, or advocacy groups like ours, that help gather community data and emphasize demand. Note that EV range has increased a lot in past few years, and there are federal and often state financial incentive to purchasing one.

There are also other forms of transportation that save energy. Some towns are making public transportation cool again, with projects like a free, hybrid trolley that runs between the small towns of Independence and Monmouth Oregon.

These are just a couple of examples, and we will explore much more in this website. Don’t wait to see the destruction climate change could create — do your part now to take action. Collectively, we can make a difference!

This website is provided as a community service and gathering place for environmental and climate change topics. Check back often as our volunteers work to grow the site, its resources and value.

In the News

Living Off-Grid: A Primer

More people are exploring off-grid living than ever before, but what does that really mean? Technically, “off-grid” refers to energy systems untied to the electrical grid. However, the


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